Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17, 2015-

I joined Scout and Pam for my final run with them, as in a few hours I will be missing them yet home with my family. It was a nice change of pace.....we ran the trails at Blydenburgh County Park- 1.5 miles in and back.......I actually covered 3.25 miles because we had to walk across the street at the end of the run to dispose of the whew POOP bag! Running on the soft trails was nice for my paws. We ran a nice easy pace.......Scout didn't cut me off because I stayed behind Pam. Thankfully she doesn't weave during her runs!

Every so often I would either run next to or in front of Pam.....
We stopped halfway through so Scout could go in the water and cool off, I opted to stay out though. I read a recent article that was posted on facebook by the American Kennel Club. Recent Cases of Leptospirosis in Parts of the U.S. of Concern to Dog Owners, and one way of getting these was through the open waters like the pond there. Pam was kinda glad I didn't go in, as she cares for us all. But she thinks one of the vaccines Scout got covered him for this! But she also said don't quote me on this one!

Here's the link to the article  if anyone is interested:\

It affects dogs and humans, so it may be good for all of us to be aware of this and read the article. Pam has to read it a little more closely as well. A great fellow runner and triathlete as well as author,  to ask more about this would be Dr Robert Monaco, DVM. I bet he could fill us all in on all of this that is for both humans and dogs, and other animals. As a triathlete he must be aware of water conditions at all times and probably checks on the status as far as these cases. Just thinking though!

Ok, so this is my final blog, and I will end with a video of me running the trails.
As I go off to have a happy tail waggin' day, and hope you do the same,
Dukey AKA "the Duke of Melville"

Dukey's Adventure Day 7

July 17, 2015-

Ok, so I am so tired here.....I am having a great time.....I am partying with my canine crew here. Starting my 24 hour countdown to being with my family again!

I shooed Scout out of his spot by the front door so he has to go outside and lie on the driveway! I rule this place now! This morning while eating my breakfast in the gazebo, my pal Benji came outside and I started barking at him to tell him STAY AWAY this is my gazebo- I rule the gazebo too! Once again SIZE DOESN'T MATTER!

I come and go as I please......I don't have anyone telling me to go in or go out....I just decide for myself when to go in and out.....heck we all do here at Pam's!

See Below.......



Oh Yeah!


I'm Free, I'm Free!

......Oh wait I changed my mind!.......




All on my own!
Candycane wait your turn, I'm almost all in!
In the meantime Candycane, KISS my BU....TT.....OCKS!
As Forrest Gump would say!


Now that I have the house to myself I can rest peacefully!

Pam wonders if I have a doggy door at home.....if not she knows someone who installs them we have to give him a call!........He is a perfectionist with the work he does!

I promise to be good for a doggie door, they even have doggy doors that I have my own key for......all I have to do is wear it on my collar- it's all electronic! All you have to do is turn it on and off as you feel fit!

Not knowing the exact hour, I'll just start the countdown now.......24.......see how much I miss my family?!?!?!? Don't worry though I will miss my new pack too!

Ok, Until I am home tomorrow,
having a happy tail waggin' day,
Duke AKA "the Duke of Melville"

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dukey's Adventure Day 6

July 16, 2015-

On Wednesday, Scout and Pam did a short training run. This was 10 minutes out, and 10 mins back. I was able to join them on this run. In fact, we ran up to dogpark and back, so we got a little break in between to have a drink and just rest. The Nesconset Dogpark is a nice little dogpark! It can get up to 10-12 dogs at a time, but I guess because of the threat of oncoming rain people were staying home with their dogs. We did just miss two other dogs though, I mean we were entering the dogpark from one end and they had just left from the other end.

Ok, anyway, as far as my run went let me tell you.....because I can run a 8 min mile, I was slowed down by my running companions today. I think they went slower because they weren't used to my style of running and I wasn't used to theirs, etc. Also I ran behind them because I was unfamiliar with the area or course they were running. But as Pam can attest to, I wanted to run and be the leader of the pack- oh, also I didn't want to run next to Scout as he likes to cut me off and running and stopping all the time wasn't my thing, so I ran behind Pam to avoid a Scout trampling. If ya see what I mean in the photos to the side!

Pam kept telling me to run on her left, reason being because Pam runs on the left side of the road- so that she can see oncoming traffic and have instant communication with them as opposed to turning around and waste precious moments which can mean life or death. In doing this having us run on the left side of her, she is running closer to the oncoming cars so one we are already closer to the side in case we have to jump out of the way. And two Pam is taller and bigger for oncoming cars to see. oh yeah and three Pam can communicate more efficiently with other humans as they speak the same language.

 When my family had dropped me off one thing they left for me was my rawhide bone. Ok, as you can see it just fits in my mouth.  Pam jokes and says it's bigger than me BUT as you can plainly see I AM BIGGER than it but alas not by much!

I still love it, I took it from Pam (I like it because it has my Mom's scent on it, hey she put it in my bag!) Anyway, I ended up running around the yard with it in my was cute and I got lots of aahhh's and aaawww's........

 Yes, I opted to chew on my bone for a little while before finishing my meal!
Don't worry, Pam always watches me when I chew on my rawhide, as she hates rawhides......she will not let her dogs chew on them.

Rawhides may cause stomach torsion, choking, vomiting, diarrhea, salmonella poisoning and exposure to various chemical residues. Other poisonous residues that may show up in rawhide include arsenic and formaldehyde.

Pam watches me VERY closely with my rawhide. Now she doesn't want to stop me from chewing on a bone that my Mom gave me but she does want me to be safe, so I appreciate this on all levels. And I thank goodness that I have so many people that truly want me to be happy!

So I will continue to take it and run around the yard
with it in my mouth. And let Pam r someone watch me with it. Rawhides can also as make a dogs gums bleed with it's sharp edges. Little bits of rawhide can be chewed off and swallowed and have been known to get lodged in dogs throats, intestines, stomachs and expanded and cause major troubles. So close observation is mandatory when allowing your dog to chew on one of these. WHEW, thankfully I have my family and my new pack to watch out for me!

 Oh, and today- Pam opened the door to her truck and I hopped right in.....of course being the dog that I am I couldn't respectfully just hop out, I had to give a fight and say no I am not coming out! Pam said she is SO used to this though!

So we all hopped in the truck.....and I took them on a short little drive throughout Long Island! And because I took over the wheel we were all safe and sound and we enjoyed every turn of the wheel!

Ok, until tomorrow's blog,
and only one full day until my family comes back TO ME, "Dukey- the Duke of Melville",
have a happy tail waggin' day,
And to my family enjoy every minute until you come back home and wait on ME hand and foot,
Dukey AKA "the Duke of Melville!"

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dukey's Adventure Day 5

July 15, 2015-

 Yesterday, I decided to go next to Pam's parents front yard and tip toe through the daisys.....ok, it's supposed to be tulips but the tulips have already come and gone this year! The grass was a little wet from the rain the night before so I opted to walk along the nice stone divider here as opposed to getting my tummy wet, geez- I'm a smart dog!

 Then I had to get my fill out smelling the I stopped off next to these flowers and got a sniff! They really are pretty and a pleasure to stop and sniff! And Pam's mom does a really great job taking care of them. Some people cannot keep plants alive to save their lives but you should see all the flowers and plants on the wall there....WOW!

 While I was standing on the stoop because I am being pampered just like my Mom asked Pam to do....I decide to watchout and protect the property from intruders. I thought it was my place, since the rest of my temporary pack was next door. Here I am looking left and looking right.....and below I was sniffing out any bad people around.....luckily I didn't find anyone but if I had BEWARE, once again SIZE DOESN'T MATTER!

Still on patrol with Eyes Wide Open! Yes, the backyard is not the only place I get to run around here.....I think I have over an acre to run and chill in, of course when next door Pam is there with me because the fence is not yet up!

Still on the prowl......

Still more flowers, and there are TONS more!

I like this photo as the size of the birdbath in the background makes me long bigger!

I spot a photographer ahead of me!

This shot makes me look like a Weimerander! I love this one too!


 Hey, Mom......Look at this Pam shot me with her finger and camera! Now I'm dead!.....Relax, I'm just playing.....we have fun like this!

 After all the fun yesterday, I had my chicken and a tbsp. of Benji's canned food (it was pretty darn good). Oh it was Natural Balance Chicken Formula Canned Food........I really liked it.....But Pam wanted to see if I would eat something other than my chicken- don't worry, Pam or her Mom smells the chicken to be sure it's still good- actually she has her Mom smell it since she is vegan and she doesn't really truly remember what chicken should smell like UNLESS she's in a chicken coop with live chickens. She told me her grandpa had chickens when she was younger, the chicken coop was out back where the garage is now! One day she wants to get some more chickens and ducks!

 At the end of the night, I went under my blanket onto my bed and stuck my head out so Pam could see me. And of course she had to take a photo so I could include it in my blog.....

Ok, so I just wanted to tell you all what I am up to and that I am counting down the days until we are together again! In the meantime, know that I am NEVER alone, either with my pack, Pam, all of them, Pam's parents, Rivkah and Ronnie (Oh Ronnie is Rivkah's son, he likes me to give him licks!) Ron is on facebook, so he gets the posted photos of me! He likes to read my blogs too! His dog Buddy who stayed with Pam for a week has his blog too!

Until tomorrow  I promise to keep barking and wagging my tail in happiness,
so have a happy tail waggin' day,

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Petted within an inch of my life!

July 14,2015-

To start my blog today, I will tell you of yesterdays requested trip for my services as a therapy dog! I made my way to St James Rehab Center to be there for a new friend who recently found out about her cat scan results! She needed a canine friend with her yesterday and I tend to calm her and put her at ease. Her dog Buddy has undergone some surgery in the past few days so he is at home resting, and his companions are keeping him quiet as he has incisions that can open if he does in fact get to excited! So Scout and myself are helping Buddy out! (Yes, Buddy is my pack member I guess twice removed, since Scout, Sandy, and Candycane are my pack once removed and Buddy is part of their extended pack.......well you get the idea!)

While I was there, I was petted within an inch of my life, just like the dogs on the set of "Must Love Dogs" and at the end there is a disclaimer to such!

Pam has a new name for me as well- ok this one is more of a title than just a name for me.....ya ready, part of the credit shall be given to Charles Crowe of GLIRC team!

My Title is "the Duke of Melville"....and when you greet me as I am now royalty you must CURTSY! Just to let you be fully informed a CURTSY is a gesture which is used to show respect and gratitude of those of higher social ranking!

Here is how to properly greet me:

First you lower your head (like your giving a respectful nod). Then keeping your hands by your side extend your right foot behind the left, a couple of inches will do, rest on he ball of your foot, and shift most of your weight onto the front foot. Now bend your knees, and lower yourself down into a curtsy. Bending the knees outward instead of forward. Oh and keep your back straight, do not lean forward, and do not stick out your behind. Finally gracefully bring yourself back to your original position.

Ok, that is for the females.....males will bow before me! Bending at the waist with their head lowered.

Ok, so until my next blog,
have a happy tail waggin' day,
I'm going to have my breakfast,
and continue my countdown to when I see my beloved family again,
Dukey AKA "the Duke of Melville"

Monday, July 13, 2015

Dukey Adventure Day 3

July 13, 2015-

Ok, so first as I write this blog.....My new pack member Candycane is SNORING away! Boy oh boy is he loud.

Pam took me next door this morning to have my breakfast in MY GAZEBO! (Yes, I claimed it for my own while I am here! Others can come in but it is mine temporarily- hey Mom if your reading this I hope you have enough money for my own gazebo at home! LOL, no seriously!)

 Yes, that is me claiming it for ME! Mom spoiled me rotten, I love her for it and she told Pam she must continue to do the same, Pam is trying! Even though I am having a great adventure, it is one day closer to being with my family again. I do love my gazebo, my new pack members- Scout, Candycane, Sandy, Benji, and Pam!

I love the trips in the car, the therapy I provide to someone who needs me......

The tummy rubs.....etc.....

I will be so happy to be at home with my family a in few days!

Wait, I also like hiding in my covers and being still and scaring Pam because she looks for me and can't find me.....hehehe.....that is fun! Then she gets down on the floor and I come out and lick her nose......hehehehe......
 Ok, so this the gazebo I want....yes, large enough to have my mom Eliana, Dad Matthew,  and my siblings, Brianna, Lucas, and Alexandria to party with me......without having the sun beating down on us all the time, and at night BUG free- see the screens?!?!?!? Oh and comfy chassis lounge is a must! A nice cool bowl of water, hey- this one is big enough for me to use as a pool- ok, almost!.......So what does everyone think should I have my own gazebo?!?!??! I mean whenever Pam opens the gate I automatically make my way to it!

I am the DUKE of it ALL here!
Ok, so I wanted to share today one of my favorite places to hangout in this week.....
Until tomorrow,
have a happy tail waggin' day,